Saraswati Namastubhyam

Varade Kamarupini

Vidyarambam Karishyami

Siddhir Bhavatu Me Sada

Saraswatyei Mahamaye Vidye Kamalalochane

Padma Patram Vishalakshi Vidyam Dehi


Saturday, April 19, 2008

45 Automatic Weather Systems planned in State.

To prepare effective forecasts, as many as 45 automatic weather systems (AWS) were proposed at different places across the State. All the districts will have at least one AWS each.Besides, 169 automatic rain gauge systems would also be put in place and at some places temperature sensor would be fitted in, said Indian Metrological Department sources. Moreover, 10 agro meteorological field units would be made fully functional with assistance from IMD.
In order to develop a strong agromet extension and strengthen the outreach, the district level agencies such as district agriculture offices, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, agricultural technology management agencies and NGO would be engaged.These decisions were taken at a meeting of stakeholders of State for implementation of the district Agromet Advisory Service (AAS), organised by the meteorological centre.

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