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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Orissa at top among investment destinations in India.

Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik is basking in the glory of a finding that Orissa, among the States, is the number one destination for investments. The State has ranked first in terms of value of total envisaged projects. It has been successful to attract Rs 5,99,181 crore for the period ending December, 2007.The analyses of CapEX database of the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) reveal the fact. Maharashtra and Gujarat have stepped down to allow Orissa to be the numero uno. Orissa also ranks first in terms of value of total projects under implementation in the country.
As on date, Rs 3,08,589 crore worth of projects are implemented in the State, which is much higher than that of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Haryana. These four States are also attracting huge investments and implementing the projects.
There are altogether 483 projects envisaged with a total project cost of Rs 5,99,181 as on January 1, 2008. Out of this, 52 per cent projects are being implemented and 48percent projects amounting to Rs 2,90,592 crore are in the "announced"stage.
The investment projects in the State include the sectors like steel, aluminum road, power, port, mining, railways and tourism. In the manufacturing sector, aluminum, ferroalloys, steel and refinery are the main areas attracting investments. The State has attracted major investments in power generation, reports the CMIE.

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