Saraswati Namastubhyam

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Siddhir Bhavatu Me Sada

Saraswatyei Mahamaye Vidye Kamalalochane

Padma Patram Vishalakshi Vidyam Dehi


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Orissa Govt. to declare VSS Medical College Hospital,Burla autonomous & accord status of Unitary University

The Hindu, Bhubaneswar, 22/12/2009

Orissa government on Monday said VSS Medical College Hospital would be made autonomous and the college would enjoy status of unitary university.
According to State Health Minister Prasanna Acharya, the State government has taken an in principle decision to make the long-standing demand a reality.
“Technical management and support team is preparing a draft in this regard. The State government would soon introduce a Bill in the State Assembly to accord autonomous status to VSS Medical College and Hospital,” Mr. Acharya said in a statement.

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