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Sunday, February 28, 2010

91 new ITIs, 415 Skill Development Centres (SDC)s to be set up in Orissa under the public private partnership (PPP) mode.

Indian Express,Bhubaneswar,28th February 2010

The Ministry of Labour and Employment has provisionally sanctioned 91 new industrial training institutes (ITIs) and 415 skill development centres (SDCs) to be established under the public private partnership (PPP) mode.

While the private promoters of the proposed training institutes will take the lead role, the State Government will provide basic infrastructure support, including land, free of cost. Supply of power, water and road connectivity will be the responsibility of the Centre. The Central support will be through viability gap funding.

The proposed ITIs will have a strength of about 250 trainees per shift running at least 10 demand-driven trades and the estimated cost of each institute is Rs 6 crore.

The proposed SDCs will be smaller centres of vocational training with intake capacity of about 300 persons per shift per annum to meet the skill training need of the local demand in the industries and unorganised sector in short-term modular pattern.

The minimum requirement of land for an SDC is 500 square metre and about Rs 50 lakh for equipment and machinery.

The Government will invite expression of interest from training providers for the proposed ITIs and SDCs in PPP mode.

The Industries Department has written to the district collectors to locate suitable land measuring three to five acres for ITI at the unrepresented block headquarters and 500 square meters of land or built up area for establishment of SDC at selected gram panchayat level.

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