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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Rise in Dolphin population in Chilika lake

THE HINDU, Bhubaneswar, 18th Feb 2010

BHUBANESWAR: Contrary to the public perception that the Irrawaddy dolphin population in Chilika lake was on the decline, the latest survey has recorded a nine percent increase in their number than last year.

The lake now has a total of 158 Irrawaddy dolphins, as per the findings of the annual census of the Irrawaddy dolphin population that was carried out in the lake on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The survey was carried out by 20 teams involving 80 persons, according to an official release issued by the Chilika Development Authority.

Of the 158 dolphins counted during the survey, 129 were adult and 29 were juveniles, including the neonates. Out of this 86 were counted in the outer channel of the lake, while 72 were spotted in the central and the southern sectors of the lake.

Last year 146 number of dolphin were counted in the lake, out of which 76 were spotted in the outer channel and 70 from the lake proper.

The rise in the population of Irrawaddy dolphin in Chilika lake was a healthy sign, according to A.K. Pattnaik, Chief Executive of CDA.

The increase in the number can be attributed to the conservation initiative taken by the CDA and the wildlife department for protection and conservation of the Irrawaddy dolphin in the Lake, said Pattnaik.

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