Saraswati Namastubhyam

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Saraswatyei Mahamaye Vidye Kamalalochane

Padma Patram Vishalakshi Vidyam Dehi


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

For Good Governance, Orissa toes AP line

Orissa Government may have one difference too many with neighbouring Andhra Pradesh when it comes to sharing of tribal villages, water, power and even a herd of elephants.But if it’s about good governance, it would not hesitate to toe the AP line. Seven years after Andhra Pradesh established Centre for Good Governance (CGG) with good effect, Orissa has decided to follow suit. It seems to be following its neighbour in ‘letter and spirit.’ Literally. The resolution that General Administration Department has brought about speaks the CGG lingo.The AP centre talks about knowledge, technology and people while the Orissa Government resolution says that ‘for improving governance, there is a need to establish an institution to undertake governance reform by bringing together knowledge, technology and people.’
The centre - proposed to be christened as Centre for Modernising Government Initiative (CMGI) - will ‘undertake action research, provide professional advice and conduct change management programmes for Government departments and agencies to implement their reform agenda successfully.’The Hyderabad-based CGG, interestingly, speaks the same set of words too, on its official website. The GA Department resolution says CMGI will work closely with policy makers and stakeholders for an accountable and transparent Government.
The Government plans to form a society under Society Registration Act, 1860 to prepare the organisational structure of the institution. The State Government wants to take forward its governance reforms programme initiated under the Orissa Modernising Government Initiative (OMG) with DFID assistance. Since the DFID assistance will only be up to December, CMGI would carry the work beyond that period.
As the centre comes into effect immediately, it will, for the time being, operate out of Orissa Computer Application Centre premises. Its management structure will soon be chalked out by the Government.

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