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Monday, May 19, 2008

BHEL eyes Orissa to set up thermal power projects.

Secretary of the Ministry of Heavy Industries Satyanarayan Dash is upbeat about the Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) investing in Orissa. He said BHEL is eager to invest in Orissa in setting up thermal projects with Supercritical technology. The Navratna PSU wants to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a State Government undertaking to form a joint venture company (JVC) specifically with one of the power sector PSUs of the State, he said. It would be on the lines of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. These two States have already taken the lead on this front.

BHEL has already given a proposal to the Government of Orissa, and Energy Secretary Suresh Chandra Mahapatra is processing the proposal, said Dash. BHEL has made its entry into the area of executing thermal power projects with supercritical technology with the signing of MoUs with both the States. The PSU will take up the execution of the first 2x800 MW Supercritical Thermal Power Project in Tamil Nadu and a single 800-MW project in Andhra Pradesh, with principal equity stake from BHEL, TNEB and APGENCO.

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