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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Greenpeace 'twisting facts' on Dhamra port !

Pioneer News Service | Bhubaneswar:
A major port at Dhamra in Orissa's Bhadrak district was initiated in 1996, though the earlier old Dhamra port was operating till 1947. The current port limits of the Dhamra port were defined way back in 1931. Greenpeace, India is deliberately trying to spread a maligned misinformation campaign against the upcoming modern Dhamra port with ulterior motives, which can be seen from its several motives, according to the port management sources.
Although the work of the major port at Dhamra was initiated in 1996, Greenpeace never raised its objections till 2001. It also did not file its objections during the environment clearance nor did it move the National Appellate Authority.
As per the various studies of the Central and Orissa Governments, the State has three nesting and mating places along its coast, Gahirmatha, mouth of river Devi and mouth of river Rusikulya. As per studies of the Wildlife Institute of India (WII) in 1994, the Orissa coast, which is north of Dhamra river, is shallow and muddy in nature and unfit for turtle mating and nesting. Why is Greenpeace then trying to prove that Dhamra port is going to harm the Olive Ridley turtles in spite of the Government of India's report, which is as old as 14 years, much before Dhamra major port was conceived, ask knowledgeable quarters.
As per WWF, an UN-based organisation, banning of movement of ships and trawlers needs to done during the turtle breeding and mating period of 45 days on a 20-km radius of turtle breeding grounds. The facts of the ports in Orissa with regard to the turtle breeding grounds are as follows: The Paradip port is located about 30 km (sea coast distance) from the Gahirmatha breeding ground. But it may be noted that the turtles travel from south to north, so they pass through the activity area of the Paradip Port to reach Gahirmatha. There are no visible obstacles between the Gahirmatha breeding ground and Paradip Port. Further, the Debi river mouth's turtle breeding place is also located 30 km south of Paradip.
The upcoming Dhamra port is also located 30 km from Gahirmatha. But there are three major obstacles between the two locations. They are Mahipura river, Kanika Sands and Dhamra river in order of south to north. The Dhamra port site is north of Dhamra river. Further, the DRDO is also located between the two locations. Due to these obstacles the turtles do not cross the Mahipura river as per the observation during the last 20 years. There is no mating and breeding area of turtles north to Dhamra. It is absolutely clear that the location of Dhamra port is the safest location vis-à-vis turtle travelling, mating and nesting ground. Greenpeace is twisting the facts against the Dhamra port, rued the sources.

1 comment:

karan said...

It's really a good attempt to spread the real news among people... This port is a pride of Orissa & India. So we all oriya people should unite to defend Greenpeace & it's every misguiding activates about Dhamra port. More updated articles, reviews posting & discussion are highly appreciated.