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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

NABARD ropes in NGOs for SHG-Bank-linkage programme.

BHUBANESWAR: In a bid to promote Self Help Group-Bank linkage, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has roped in non-government organisations by making them partner.About 150 NGOs so far had been associated with NABARD in promotion of SHG-Bank Linkage programme in Orissa, which scaled to new heights, Chief General Manager of bank C. R Patnaik said here on Tuesday.He said 2,75,587 SHGs were credit-linked with different financial institutions as on March 31 involving cumulative credit outflow of Rs.1329.31 cr. “Managing and leading an NGO is a multi-disciplinary and complicated task for the leader. NGOs working in the micro-finance sector are facing greater challenges as it involves considerable resources and management skill to ensure empowerment of the community,” Mr. Patnaik said.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello all,

I head the Rural Initiatives department of Royal Sundaram Alliance Insurance Co Ltd. We are already associated with many NGO's/Microfinance Institutions in Orissa.

I just concluded a tour of orissa and visited many districts.
We have customized products for the rural poor which are very affordable. The process developed by us delivers the insurance coverage/claims assistance at the doorstep of the SHG member.

I request you to give details of NGO's with which we can tie-up and offer insurance coveraged to the much needy rural folks of Orissa.
Any help from NABARD in this regard is most welcome.

I would be happy to personally meet all the NGO's/MFI's to discuss.
By the way I too am from Orissa.

thanks & regards,

Ravi Shankar
Head-Rural Iniatives(AP & Orissa)
Royal Sundaram